According to François, Summer starts in 10 days

According to François, Summer starts in 10 days 29 x 41 cm, 2021 (250 euros)

Untitled, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2022 (250 euros)

In the wrong film, Gouache and inkjet, 29 x 20,5 cm, 2022 (Sold)

Wood pigeon, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2021 (Sold)

Cité Radieuse, 29 x 20,5 cm, 2021 (250 euros)
I always thought Foreman, Hannah was a female photographer, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2021 (250 euros)

Stalingrad, gouache, collage, 15 x 25 cm, 2021 (100 euros)

Gare de l'Est, I think, gouache, collage, inkjet print, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2021 (150 euros)

16 Rue d'Abbeville, gouache, inkjet print, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2021 (Sold)

Advice, gouache, inkjet print, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2021 (Sold)

Rather come down, gouache, inkjet print, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2021 (Sold)

Marmite and butter, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2021 (Sold)

Untitled, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2022 (150 euros)

Hipster raincoat, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2022 (120 euros)

This will hopefully never wash out, Gouache and inkjet, 29 x 20,5 cm, 2022 (150 euros)

Oranges on windowsill, Gouache and inkjet, 29 x 20,5 cm, 2022 (150 euros)
She deduced the multiple choice

Fathers and sons, inkjet and gouache on paper (150 euros)

She deduced the multiple choice, inkjet and gouache, pencil on paper. 41 x 29 cm, 2019 Sold (150 euros)

4 Stars, inkjet and gouache, pencil on paper. 61 x 50 cm, 2019 (150 euros)

Arms raised, knowing the taker, inkjet and gouache, pencil on paper, 41 x29 cm, 2020 (200 euros)

The last time we talked, inkjet and gouache, pencil on paper. 62 x 29 cm (150 euros)

47, inkjet and gouache, pencil on paper. 41 x 29 cm (150 euros)

Never Gone, inkjet and gouache on paper (95 euros)

Don't remember, inkjet and gouache on paper (150 euros)
We weren't invited

Sunday at the studio, gouache, pencil on paper, 30 x 41 cm, 2018 (Sold)

Park life 2, gouache, pencil, pen, inkjet on paper, 30 x 41 cm, 2018 Sold

We weren't invited, gouache on paper, 29,5 x 41,5 cm, 2021 (90 euros)

We thank yowl!, gouache on paper, 29,5 x 41,5 cm, 2021 (90 euros)

Give me a break, gouache on paper, 29,5 x 41,5 cm, 2022 (90 euros)

Whenever you like, gouache on paper, 29,5 x 41,5 cm, 2021 (90 euros)

La Rotonde, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2019 (80 euros)

Brainstorm, gouache and pencil on paper, Bridges, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2019 (100 euros)

Feel like fuck, gouache on paper, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2020 (100 euros)

Faded Green coat, gouache, pencil on paper, 20,5 x 29 cm, 2020 (90 euros)

Um, gouache on paper, 24 x 32 cm, 2017 Sold (140 euros)

Giving up can be good, gouache and pencil on paper, 29,5 x 41,5 cm, 2018 (90 euros)

Snowstorm argument, gouache and pencil on paper, 29,5 x 41,5 cm, 2017 (120 euros)